Sunday, May 8, 2016

Heart to Heart: Mother's Day 2016

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out the there! I hope you all had a wonderful day with your loved ones.

My relationship with my mother is not the strongest or the most functional, but I do care about her and love her though it is hard for me to express it emotionally or physically. The way that is most comfortable for me is financially - getting things for her or paying for things.

I have my own baggage with her that I have not yet learned to release so it affects our relationship. I know I have to work on my issues and let go of the past in order for us to be as good as we used to be. 

I know it pains her that I do not let her get close. It hurts me too, but my inability to let go of family drama and personality differences is so strong, I sometimes feel like I have lost control.

It is hard for me. One day, I hope I can let go. I pray that things will get better. Life is short. This is not how it should be.

For all of you who have great relationships with your mothers, you're lucky and I wish I were in your shoes.

For all of you who are like me and have poor relationships with your mothers, it's never too late.

Let's make a promise to ourselves [for our mothers] to make it work. 

We only have one mother. Let's love her the queen she is.



  1. We need time to mend it and maintain it. I can't say that I have a really good and strong relationship with my mum. But I know that she is trying to be the best for me.

    1. that's a perspective i failed to recognize. thank you for putting this into my thought process. beautiful words. xoxoxoxo
