Tuesday, May 24, 2016

30th Birthday Diaries: Balayage Hair

Hi everyone!

I am writing this post on 5/22 but by the time this post gets published, it will be one day after my birthday. 

Two weeks before my birthday, I got my hair done. I did something that was, for me, out of my comfort zone, but for most people who dye their hair, a normal thing.

For those of you who know (or don't know), my typical hair color style is peekaboo in which only the bottom layers (or middle layers - whatever is not on top) is colored as in this post as well. I love this coloring technique because it is low maintenance. If my hair grows out and the roots show, you can't really tell because it's all underneath. This allowed me to do my hair 2x/year. Depending how you style your hair, the peekaboo colors come out and beautifully peeks through your hair.

I have never dyed the top layers of my hair due to fear of roots and maintaining it. Let's be real. That's expensive and on my social worker budget, maintenance is the least of my worries.

I initially wanted to go blonde but was not quite brave enough. My hair is jet black, as black as black can be. Going from black to blonde was too dramatic. I couldn't. I decided to do a balayage and gradually work my way to lightness that I am comfortable with. This experience was a little nerve-wrecking because I never dyed the top of my hair. If you don't like the bottom peekaboo layers, it's okay. You can't really see it unless you do your hair a certain way.

Now enough of the chit chat, let's get on to pictures:



My hair has since lightened since then which the hairdresser did tell me about. 

My hair is so much lighter two weeks later 

I'm contemplating going lighter for my next appointment. We shall see :D

Here's to being 30 and to trying new things :)


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