Friday, June 27, 2014

I AM BACK: Mini Hiatus Update

I am back!! 

It's been a long 10 days for me, but I'm back and I have a few posts lined up so stay tuned! :)

It's been quite a busy month with work, life, and everything in between. You know how it goes!

I was asked to spearhead a pilot program at a major Los Angeles hospital for the month of May. Somehow it spilled in to June. This meant another month of longer hours, more work, more stress and, of course, less time. But today was the last day of my pilot program!! I now have the evenings to myself again :) 

At work, I've been recognized as a leader and a good "face" for the team. I have definitely stepped my game up a notch. As much as I love my job, there is no room to grow after I get my license in social work (hopefully next year). Last week, I worked hard on my job applications to the county of Los Angeles. The pay is great and the stability is necessary if I wanted to buy a home and build a family. If you're familiar with LA County jobs, you would know that when positions open up, you need to jump on them because there are more "hiring freezes" than opportunities throughout the year. The application process just to get interviewed takes about 6 months to a year so I will be with my current job for a good while :)

June was also pretty eventful because I finished paying off my graduate school loans! I am officially debt-free! I am ecstatic. As you can imagine, it feels as though a burden has been lifted off my shoulders.

Everything in the past few months have included growth and opportunities. I am ready for the next chapter and adventure that lies ahead. 

(Picture taken by me)

(Picture found on Instagram)

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