Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Life Update: Why I M.I.A.'d and Why 2016 Rocks (so far)!

Aloha everyone!!

I have returned (again! LOL) from a 2 month hiatus.

A lot has happened in the last two months that has caused me to skidaddle not only from my blog but from most social functions.

Last Wednesday, 8/24 aka KOBE DAY!, I took my final board exam for clinical social work and I PASSED!!!!!! I am almost officially an LCSW, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I am just waiting for the certificate that seals the deal. In the field of social work, it is a big deal and something super anxiety-provoking to get.

I took part one of my exam in March and passed. That was fine, not too bad.

Last Wednesday's exam was the clinical exam. 170 questions, 4 hours of critical thinking, reasoning, and anything that makes you want to bang your head against a wall and say, "Why did I do this to myself?" 

At the end of all that, I made it!! And that is all that matters. No more testing ever! Hallelujah!


<> I passed both board exams and have reached licensure! It is as though I am a legit social worker now. LOL

<> I got engaged to my Ben at the end of July <3 No wedding planning has commenced due to studying for my exam. I am in the midst of still celebrating (LCSW is a big deal in the field)!! :D I am debating whether to start planning now or in October when I quit my second job on Saturday nights. In my current M-F job, I have taken on the new role of intern supervisor (or field instructor for those in the social work world) and that starts in Sept - June. I really do not want to spread myself too thin.

<> I had the honor of coplanning and cohosting my former coworker's baby shower. It was such a joy and so much fun! I cannot wait to meet baby Theo!
Russian spread of homemade sweet treats

<> My beautiful nephew Eli was born making my nephew Ollie a proud big brother <3

Just like anyone else, I have had multiple downs as I had ups this year. But I really wanted to highlight what really made 2016 amazing. There are 4 more months left in the year. I hope the year continues to bring continued love, luck, health and blessings, not just to me but to you all as well.
